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Educator. Writer. Artist.

 I research, design, and implement digital, hybrid, and traditional curricula for adult learners. When planning academic or organizational learning experiences, my designs are anchored to my foundational belief that curiosity is a mentored habit of mind rather than an innate quality of a talented few. My research has led me to develop a teaching methodology that engages learners across a multidimensional spectrum so that all learners can utilize their strengths, develop grit and persistence, and meet or exceed personal, professional, institutional and organizational goals. 

I began my career as a journalist specializing in editorial writing and public argument. I mentored and managed a bipartisan pool of editorial writers and cartoonists working for one of the most respected and independent college newspapers in the country. My work in journalism led me to the field of Rhetoric & Composition. Language and its persuasive powers within education contexts became a central focus of my graduate and doctoral studies as I explored writing instruction, pedagogies, and strategies for academic success.

My illustrations, paintings, and mixed media work focus on the multimodal qualities of "image-word," and the ways visual arts rely on language as a prologue to expression. Images are mighty communicators, and understanding their persuasive qualities underpins my inquiries and expressions. The arts provide an escape from the tyranny of utilitarian culture, invite inquiry and contemplation, and richly complement the human experience. Whether designing curricula, planning professional development, mentoring others as an administrator, or working in my studio, my aim is  to connect and persuade, enlighten and embolden students and colleagues.

"To be truly visionary we have to root our imagination in our concrete reality while simultaneously imagining possibilities beyond that reality."

- bell hooks


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